Igor Zakus 5th CD RETURN feat. HpSalentin and many many Great Musicians….

Bild könnte enthalten: Ігор Закус
The in Ukrainia based Bassist, Produzent,Composer Igor Zakus  released his 5th CD
RETURN………beside so many great Artsist from Poland and Ukrainia
Laura Marti/Tamara Lukashewa /Marek Napiorkowski/ Viktor Pawelko and so many more…..
it is a real pleasure to be invited to play some songs on that CD RETURN !
all the best for that new Arrival  !!!!!!!
Congratulation IGOR ZAKUS !

Bild könnte enthalten: 14 Personen, einschließlich Laura Marti, Personen, die lachen

Dewey Records presents : Hans Peter Salentin new CD : Storyteller“

Hans Peter Salentin CD ,,Storyteller''










Amazon, I Tunes, CD Baby , Spotify

only for Download

More info about my new CD: ,,Storyteller“

Dewey Record Release 2018 :
More info about my Thxs to all musicans from all over , who where involved in that Music:
specialy : Pablo DelPozo Tkachenko and Stoyan Bozov
for working hard on that Arrangements.
Thxs to Hristo Karagiozow for putting all together.
Great JOb !
Thxs to all Musicians who where involved :
Stoyan Bozov
Hristo Karagiozov
Bryan Cuadrado Suarez
Matias Enrique Brito Pusic
Pablo Del Pozo Tkatchenko
Hristo Penev
all Songs composed by Hans Peter Salentin for Dewey Records

recorded 2017
in Bulgaria / Sofia at Pro Design Studio
Germany/ Cologne at TP -Studio

 Cover & Video Artwork Hj. Scheffler


Big Thank you to 2017 and Wellcome 2018 and Penguine Dance…..









……so many people,

that it is impossible to put them all on the list.


i,m very thankful to have met

so many great musicians and  organizers


and they all gave me the  the chance to perform.


Marcin Kita , Alex Kogan, Vladimir Kamisky, Julia Sawicka,

Laura & Kristina Marti, Janusz Scrom, Piotr Wrombel,

Boris Mochalin, Andrew Nikk and all people at University in Belgorod ( Russia)

Adam Zagorski, Pawel Kaszmarczyck, Jarosław Buczkowski, Marek Napierkowsky,

Igor Zakus, Elsa Valle Singer, Winand Gabor, Bianka Kerres, Stephan Schmolck,

Nataha Lebedeva, Stefan Schneider, Konstantin Wienstroer, Eugene Uvarov

all guys from Orchester in Lviv specialy Marta Kolomyjets ,

Wolfgang Steiger, who is doing a lot of Video work for me

Hans Jörg Scheffler, who creats  a new style in our music World :  ,,Salentin & Scheffler“

and we did allready 5 CD,s……….

Hristo Karagjozov for helping me to set up and mix my upcoming CD : Move On“

Bartek Soragiewicz ,who wrote new Arrangements of 5 of my songs for Big Band

Hans Fücker , who is writing my music for Orchester..we will perfom in 2018…….

my company ,,Adams“ and Miel Adams, who helped me a lot to find or to build new Instruments for me.

All guys in the Factory are doing awesome work !


All you guys put your energy in your work for the music

and you give  me the chance to create my Style and Music…









Thxs to all Photographer, who i had the chance to meet last year :


you are supporting my Art with your Art !!!!!!


Thxs to all new students i have met last year..and thxs to a lot of great meetings and realy intens talks ….

Thxs to Iryna Kabysh for a wonderful gift………Penguine Dance- Sea of Ideas…….:)


we will meet in 2018 again……..


all what i am is a result of many things in my life

but first of all : my Parents.


Meine Mutter ist am 27 Oktober 2017  gestorben..







Danke Mama für alles ……….



sehr schönes Konzert im Schenkel Schöller Stift ,,Dance Michelle“

unerwartet ruhig, melodiös und intensiv präsentierte sich HpSalentin mit seine Freunden in einem ,,stimmungsvollen “ Konzert

im Schenkel Schöller Stift mit

Stephan Schneider Drums

Hans Fücker Piano

Konstantin Winstroer Bass &

HpSalentin Tp/ Flgh / Cornet


bis auf Butterfly von Herbie Hancock stammen alle Kompositionen aus Salentin’s Feder –

Bilder co. Georg W. Neuelen

P1600030 Soft Piano k P1600036 HP Quartett k P1600043 Becken &Trompete P1600097 Trio P1600071 SchwarzesLoch P1600101 Grün Diagonal P1600085 Prof HPSalentinP1600105 Cornett P1600050 Konstantins Blick & Griff(1) P1600092 Frontal