2020..the END.














What a year……

I really don’t want to look back.

Too many fears of this Virus around me.

Too many politicians, who made difficult decissions and too many stupid people , who ignored the established rules and made my life even more difficult.

No concerts and no traveling in 2020- no workshops -no meetings with friends…

Well, a difficult year.

But 🙂

I want to tell a bit about some aspects and some projects which would not be on the road without that troubles.

First I remember one video session in Wuppertal.

I really appreciate how this people there were dealing with the situation.

They made a great job and I’m very happy to have met those people.

Wladimir Burkhardt invited me for this event to Jonathan Rabanus and his crew.

Thxs for that to all.

One of the things which just happenend was the meeting with the photographer/ filmaker Donetti Nicholas ( working as a journalist for the „Spiegel“ and many more media outlets ) in 2019 in Dieppe / France -Normandie at the place by a internationally wellknown artist William De Brui.

Nicholas made a movie about William’s life and I wrote the music for this. One of plenty Home- Studio Reccordings in 2020.

Another was the collaboration with the Light Artist Günther J. Schaefer, who invented 6 Rings producing „Lights on Water“.

I composed special music for this live -event, which we hopefully can perform in 2021.

A little pre-event was filmed by Hessen TV Studio.

In march 2020, during our first heavy lockdown, I decided to make some dreams come true.

I decided to work on 5 new Projects and I called some of my friends to support me doing this.

All my friends worked on 5 new CD,s during Covid Times :

,,Living Room”,,Pop Agenda”,,Recall”,,Quartier Latin ”,, Quartier Latin Playalong Edition”

Anton Davidyants ( Moscow)– Eugene Uvarov ( Kiew) –Hans Fücker ( Germany),

Sergey Yuzvik ( Kiew)- Igor Zakus-( Kiew) Piotr Baron ( Warsaw)-

Alina Zalozna ( Lviv) – Jaroslaw Buczkowski ( Warsaw),Avinoam Ettun ( Israel)-

Andrew Nikk ( Belgorod)-Walerie Kühl-Hans Jörg Scheffler- Manni Struck…all Germany

thank you all for the great work and the inspirations , we kept the good things going.

But it was a real trip.

Making Pre-Productions-sending tracks all over the world and puzzling it all together.

Some projects would never sound they way the are now with the end- adding and mixing by Hans Jörg Scheffler.

Yes !

And specially with Hans Jörg, we have an outstanding relation and collaborate since many years as Salentin & Scheffler

Our CD ,,Deepavali“ was released in autumn. More to come from Salentin & Scheffler in 2021

But on top , Scheffler used the time to make a project called : ,,Cabin Fever“

Scheffler invited 70 Musicians from all over the world to record a piece of music, including guys like Jacob Collier and many more.

And : me…..LOL

A Masterpiecce of music and Video Art by Hans Jörg Scheffler : ,,Cabin Fever“

Another Home Session started with Ehud Ettun from Israel. Named ,,Global Alliance“

and we recorded with David Alfandary ( Israel),Henrique Eisemann ( Brasil), Adam Zagorski ( Poland), Ehid Ettun ( Israel) and me ( Germany)

found a way to bring extra ordinary musicians for this project together.

What a nice song and I’m happy to work with such great Artists.

Ehud Ettun is also a very good excample for taking chances during this hard year.

He and his wife Brianna are working since many years, to make workshops and concerts in Israel .

The idea is to bring musicians from all over the world together and to make a festival.

So they started with that years ago and had a lot of successful festivals over the years.

What to during a pandemic , when travel is difficult and even impossible ?

End of December they invited musicians from all over for special ,,Online talking sessions“,including music of the artists and started open converstaions with students. Host Ehud invited for one session:

Jacob Means (USA), Haruka Yabuno ( Japan) ,Jason Yeager (USA), Pablo Lapidusas (Brazil/ Argentina) and me.

This was really something ( nearly 2 ½ hour of talk and music) , because I found new friends and outstanding Artists.

Meanwhile during the year,my job at University of Music -Würzburg Jazzzzzzzzz, was running.

3 Month Online sessions only, but at the End of June , I decided to start face to face again- even with combos.

How do you want to perform art by playing and improvising , if you don,t see and hear each other ?

Easy answer : we need to meet and play. I’m really thankfull to have great students, who take me the way I am ( they have no chance anyways -LOL )

but they all did a great job during that year !

I can say that I really enjoyed each teaching session with my combos and I love those guys aswell as the ladys!

And looking forward to continue our work in 2021.

Thanks to Miel Adams my trumpet and Flgh builder and friend, For all you did for me in 2020.


In 2021 I hope to see and perform at some places again and I have big plans too … like allways …

Miss you : Marcin Kita, Igor Zakus, Laura Marti, Adam Zagorski, Julia Sawicka,Cheryll Pyle, Alina Zalosna, Jarek Buszkowski, Anton Davidyants, Eugene Uvarow , Ehud Ettun, Avinoam Ettun, Boris Mochalin, Nikk Andrew, Piotr Baron and many more …..

I want to meet all you guys and ladys in 2021 and continue our friendship relation in real meetings and music.

Even a simple dinner would be enough for me—-of course with one by one….LOL

I decided to forget about the bad things in 2020 and I try to think about all this projects, which made me feel better and now,


I look forward for 2021…


All the best to all of you and most importantly : Stay healthy & happy , wherever you are !





Hans Peter Salentin







Polish Jazz- Memories of my first appearence 1991

Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Musiker, Personen auf einer Bühne, Brille und Nacht(Photo by Ekaterina Konsulova Cho Jazz 2019 )


Polish Jazz .. History -Pulawy,

an important little town in Polish Jazz history.

In those days , i was a part of the stuff allready and i am very happy and proud.

Happy to see all this cats and all made their way . Some left already .

RiP . And proud again to be a part of Polish Jazz and I feel happy too !

Thxs for all this pictures and deep memories !

I want to add : nearly all this guys are a big part of culture in their countries , specially Poland !

And this workshops are so important ! In our crazy times , this pictures shows all !

We need this ! Music – Meetings – international Exchange – sharing good and bad moments .

And mostly , I found out, we leave this places as better humans

( I can see and believe, at least for one week ..LOL )

We are important and we need that back !


all Photos by :

Fotografie wykonane podczas drugiej edycji Warsztatów Jazzowych w Puławach (1992).

Autorem jest Dariusz Malinowski

you can see

Dorotha Miskiewiesz, Marek Napierkowsky, Mirek Honzak, Greg Badelato and many many more 🙂

Bild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Personen, die tanzen, Personen auf einer Bühne und MenschenmasseBild könnte enthalten: eine oder mehrere Personen, Personen, die sitzen und InnenbereichBild könnte enthalten: 4 Personen, Musiker, Personen, die tanzen, Personen auf einer Bühne, Bart und InnenbereichBild könnte enthalten: 2 Personen, einschließlich Hans Peter Salentin, Musiker, Personen auf einer Bühne, Bart und Nahaufnahme, Text „Marshall“Bild könnte enthalten: 4 Personen, Musiker, Personen auf einer Bühne, Nacht und InnenbereichBild könnte enthalten: 4 Personen, einschließlich Hans Peter Salentin, Personen, die tanzen, Musiker, Personen auf einer Bühne, Personen, die stehen und NahaufnahmeBild könnte enthalten: 2 Personen, Personen, die tanzen, Musiker und Personen auf einer BühneBild könnte enthalten: 1 Person, spielt ein Musikinstrument, auf einer Bühne, steht und NachtBild könnte enthalten: 2 Personen, Musiker, Personen auf einer Bühne, Personen, die tanzen und Nacht

New by Salentin & Scheffler CD ,,Deepavali“

at the end of the craziest year in History 2020

we present :













7 very relaxed Pieces  with deep Meditation Moods

by Salentin & Scheffler release 2020

produced by Hans Jörg Scheffler for Digital Audio

Mastered by Manni Struck

recorded at Digial Audio and HpStudios

Get the music:

Spotify Apple Music  I Tunes Amazon Pandora You Tube Deezer

and many more

only for Streaming  & Download


1. In the Presence of Now    5:32

2. Stream of Consciousness 17.21

3.Next Stop Nirvana 7:04

4. Indian Summer  5:20

5. On the Waterfront  9:20

6. Waking Poseidon  16:38

7.Samsara  9:50



Released 2020

Dewey Records

5 NEW CD,s on the Market

Фото 29.07.20, 22 23 40










All my friends worked on 5 new CD,s during Covid Times :

,,Living Room“

,,Pop Agenda“


,,Quartier Latin “

,, Quartier Latin Playalong Edition“

-Anton Davidyants – Eugene Uvarov – Sergey Yuzvik- Igor Zakus- Piotr Baron-

Alina Zalozna- Jaroslaw Buczkowski-Avinoam Ettun- Andrew Nikk-Walerie Kühl-Hans Jörg Scheffler- Manni Struck…

thank you all for great work and inspirations and we keep the good things going.


You can support by checking the music on : Spotify-Amazon-I Tunes-Apple Music and others….

Hans Peter Salentin CD ,,Quartier Latin“











for Download only

Spotify-I Tunes-Apple Music-Amazon


CD Hans Peter Salentin ,,Quartier Latin“

Released 2020

Dewey Records

Standards played by Hans Peter Salentin tp/ Flgh

feat .:

Igor Zakus Bass All Tracks

Avinoam Ettun Guitar 2,3,9

Sergey Yuzvik Drums All Tracks

Andrew Nikk Guitar 4, 6,11

Hans Fücker Piano All Tracks

Piotr Baron Tenor Sax 1,5,9

thxs to

Digital Audio for additional Instruments and Editing

Cover Design Hans Jörg Scheffler

Master by Manni Struck

Recorded March to May 2020


1.Girl from Ipanema 3:38

2.Fly Me to the Moon 2:52

3.Have You Met Miss Jones 3:14

4.Jordu 4:34

5.Cherokee 5:51

6.Good Morning Heartache 3:50

7.Bye Bye Blackbird 3:49

8.Donna Lee 3:21

9.Body and Soul 3:20

10.Joy Spring 2:45

11. La vie en Rose 5:05


The Story behind: CD Hans Peter Salentin ,,Quartier Latin “

Covid Times and Breakdown of all activities.

Hans Peter Salentin decided to work on long time Ideas and record this Music.

So, he started to ask friends from all over

Israel, Poland, Ukrainia, Russia,Germany to help him on that Project.

The idea :

to record Standards ,which Hans Peter Salentin used to play since years

with all students,

on all Workshops

and musical meetings all over the World.

And one goal : to make a nice relaxed version of each song in a Latin way.

Some of his favorite Music was recorded :

Good Morning Heartache

La vie en Rose

which are beautiful Compositions, as well as

Girl from Ipanema and many more….all in a relaxed Lation way.

Enjoy the play by all Masters,

dedicated to the Masters, who composed that Music.

Thxs to my Friends to make this Project come true:

Igor, Piotr, Sergey, Hans, Avinoam, Andrew…..

CD Hans Peter Salentin ,, Quartier Latin playalong edition“











CD Hans Peter Salentin ,, Quartier Latin playalong edition“

This CD will be released soon on

I Tunes-Spotify-Apple Music-Amazon

and on all Digital Medias for Download only

thxs to

Digital Audio for additional Instruments and Editing

Cover Design Hans Jörg Scheffler

Master by Manni Struck

April to May 2020

during Covid Times


produced by Hans Peter Salentin  feat .:

Igor Zakus Bass All Tracks

Avinoam Ettun Guitar 2,3,9

Sergey Yuzvik Drums All Tracks

Andrew Nikk Guitar 4, 6,11

Hans Fücker Piano All Tracks

1. Lady from Rio 3:39

2. Luna Dance 2:52

3.Hello Mr Jones 3:14

4.Jordu Cha Cha 4:34

5.Chez Roke 5:51

6.You Never Know 3:50

7.My Black Bird 3:49

8.Donna Leon 3:21

9.The Deep Blue 3:20

10.Spring Samba 2:44

  1. Life Is Beautiful 5:05

All Songs composed by Hans Peter Salentin

based on Standard Chord changes ( you will find in I Real )

please check the CD Quartier Latin to get the Original Melodys and real Solos.

CD Hans Peter Salentin ,,Quartier Latin Playalong Edition

The Songs on Quartier Latin Playalong Edition have the same order

than the Songs on CD Hans Peter Salentin ,,Quartier Latin“

and the music is based on this ,

which you can easily find on I Real and use for this Playalong……

very common Standard Changes in a Latin way.

Hans Jörg Scheffler : MASTERPIECE !

,,Cabin Fever“

Hans Jörg Scheffler


one of the project which just happened during this Convid Times–


but this one is much more


It,s a Dream came true



Scheffler invited 70 Musicians from all over the work to record a piece of music










Then he started to puzzle this together.

But even more : he created a Video clip  and the  result is breathtaking :



Scheffler : ,,there you have it-Cabin Fever!
640 seconds of audiovisual sensory overload created by 70 musicians remotely from 12 countries over the course of 3 months. Combining your contributions into something new was a real trip. Thank you for that opportunity!
Hopefully, many more collaborations will come out of this now that you know how great we sound together!

I am totally overwhelmed by the reaction to our Cabin fever project! Over 2600 views overnite and so many wonderful comments! So great to see that it generates such positive feedback! Please keep sharing it to spread the word! Even in the most awkward situations, it is possible to produce something nice which was the whole idea! “


HpSalentin : ,, I,m very proud to be a part of this Project beside guys like Jacob Collier….“  Hp starts to laugh……:)



Wladimir Burkhardt & Friends Live aus Wuppertal 3.06 feat HpSalentin

ein wirklich ungewöhnliches Ereignis in Convid Zeiten

Ein Live Konzert , welches dann auch noch Online aufgezeichnet wurde und

somit für jedermann zugänglich gemacht wurde.


3.06.2020 Live aus Wuppertal :

Burkhardt/ Salentin/ Oetz-Salcines/ Ambach


ein schönes Zeit Dokument.


Wladimir Burkhardt & HpSalentin kennen sich seit Jahren und

spielten in diversen Combinationen zusammen.

Für dieses Projekt gruben beide tief in der Vergangenheit und kamen zu

,,Back to the Roots“


viele ,,Evergreens“ Jazz Standards- wurden an diesem Abend gespielt und die Band setzte diese sehr beeindruckend um…


von ,,Lady be good“ – Gershwin -bis hin zu ,,my and only Love“ oder der Klassiker ,,Take the A Trane“——-


Danke an das Team der Hasenschule , die dies Veranstaltung überhaupt erst möglich gemacht haben

und das dies so zu einem Zeitdokument wurde.

,,Die Farbe der Dinge“ und Filmmusik von HpSalentin

One of the things which just happenend was the meeting with the Photographer/ Filmaker

Donetti Nicholas ( working as a Journalist for Spiegel and many more)

HpSalentin and Donetti met in Dieppe / France -Normandie

at the place by a international wellknown Artist

William De Brui.


Nicholas works on a Movie about Williams Art and Life.

And he asked HpS. to composed  very special Music……



New CD HpSalentin ,,POP AGENDA “











Big Names in Music !    

Anton Davidyants ( E-Bass-Moscow)

Eugene Uvarow ( Guitar -Kiew)

Sergey Yuzvik ( Drums-Kiew)

HpSalentin ( Tp/Flgh-Sounds)

























additional Recordings by Hans Jörg Scheffler


all Compositions by HpSalentin

groovy and very sophisticated at the same time…..close to POP

and fur shure  a fantastic AGENDA

the All Star Project was a result of this Look Down in Convid Times. March 2020


If you check all names carefully , you will be astonished by the list a Legends ,

they have been working with :

from Quincy Jones to Jacob Collier…..a realy impressive List……..


All guys accepted to take part on this musical adventure…

We are very happy to announce this new CD   :


Hans Peter Salentin ,,POP AGENDA “

on Dewey Records


Hans Jörg Scheffler did the Final Mix and additional Recordings..

Album Art Hans Jörg Scheffler

Mastered by Manni Struck


this CD is a Masterpiece of music

very soon only for Download !