HpSalentin & Friends im Bistro Verde – Köln Rodenkirchen 28.10.2022

Bistro Verde : schön war’s !

Danke Stephan Schneider – Emanuel Stanley und Markus Wienstroer 🙂 ..

Dank auch an Peter Soerries !

Ein schönes Konzert – 2 Stunden ohne Pause .. yeah !

zum großen Teil groovige Kompositionen von Hans Peter Salentin…..

,,Fantastische Kompositionen mit unerwarteten Wendungen, die keine Wünsche offen gelassen haben.

,,Großartige Solisten die Perfect wie die Harlem Globetrotters zusammen gespielt haben: „And1“ “

Get better at Phrasing,Sight-reading, Improvising …now on you tube again

Get better at Phrasing,Sight-reading, Improvising …

NOW  all 31  VIDEOS connected to the PDF at You Tube

please follow the link to get your music !

All PDF : Bb / C / Eb instruments available for Free Download at this page here

click ,,free Download “ Section

Dieses Arbeitsmaterial läßt die Musiker* eigenständig arbeiten.
Die PDF’s und die You Tube Videos sind für Solisten und Combos.
Die neuen Kompositionen wurden eingespielt, dann die Soli von Hans Peter Salentin ( Tp/Flgh) transkribiert
und so entstanden jeweils 3 Versionen :

Diese 3 Versionen kann man als PDF
Bb / C / Eb Instrumente runterladen und
mit den You Tube Videos verbinden.

PDF, siehe dazu
,,Free Download “

Pre produced at HpStudio-End Production & Mix Digital Audio Design ( Hans Jörg Scheffler)

Videos by Hans Jörg Scheffler-Mastered by Manni Struck

since 1990—

Prof. Hans Peter Salentin is a part of polsh jazz workshops and  on the polish scene…

since 1990..his first appearence at Pulawy Jazz Workshop–

next step Cho Jazz and

international Jazz workshop Leszno


name dropping would be a long long list who i played with and who was a student on this events…..

by the way : beeing a student at a workshop was and still is very often a great start for a carrier..

but all work and credits go to the students …..

it,s our daily work, which makes as better each day………we are all students.

some have gone already : Jarek Smietana  or Z.Namyslowsky, Z.Wegehaupt, Janusz Skovron..RiP my friends !

…….i feel honored to be a part of this journey since more than 30 years !

thank you  my friends ..you gave me a lot and i pay back each day..:)

Janusz Szrom : please make a translation for europe in english !   YEAH !


Quick start : how to improvise Leszno and Cho Jazz Students

This is a realy quick start and gives you some infos how you can get to improvisation…..

very helpful for beginners and classical player…..

recomended   2 apps   

1. I real pro 

you can repeat one chord 

in this case Dm7 chord 4 bars  or 2 chords

for excample : Dm7 2 or 4 bars / Cm7 2 or 4 bars – in a 4 bar round


use only drums in your tempo

 2.  Genius 

real drums and choose your tempo


don,t forget: after you checked all pages , there are  11 more keys to go …..YEAH !

Cho Jazz 2022

Mega event -Poland Cho Jazz 2022 -more than 200 Students from Poland, Germany, Ucrainia, and Israelmet at Choziez Poland for a 2 weeks Jazz Workshop-including:

group lessons-combo playing-sessions and concerts

And at the end 2 days of : ,,the Final concert“.

All students should have a performance on stage.

All Students vocalists & bands were realy great ! it,s worth to check.YEAH ! Looking forward already !

Marcin Kita-Janusz Szrom-Rafael Sarnecki   thank you guys for a lot of work during that time

Thanks to the orga team of Dom Cultury and the stuff around


Thans to the Audio guys –mega work !   

Thxs to all for great time and hung. Stay healthy and don,t forget : we live in one world. Slava Ucraine.

Imternational Summer Jazz Workshop Leszno -Poland Juli 2022

nun bereits zum 18ten Male fand dieser Workshop statt….eine inspirierende Geschichte…..

neben  Trompeten Gruppenunterricht gab HpSalentin 6 Vodoo Sessions……

eine immer wieder überraschende Reise…….

Dieses Bild hat ein leeres Alt-Attribut. Der Dateiname ist Vodoo-Leszno-2022-co-Jakub-Schwarz-1024x683.jpg

Danke an Julia Sawicka für die hervorragende Organisation !  und allen Teilnehmern für eine wirklich schöne und spannende Zeit…..  see ya next year !  

